Software Engineer Jordan Dashel Backend Web Dev jordan at DevOps/SRE and Linux -- EXPERIENCE -- BLOOMBERG LP: Senior SRE/Software Engineer; NYC, NY; 2022-Present Python; Bash; Docker; internal Bloomberg Terminal technologies BOWERY FARMING: Software Engineer; NYC, NY; 2021-2022 Elixir/Erlang+OTP; Bash; Docker; HashiCorp Nomad - Wrote, read, and repaired Elixir code to grow sustainable produce in automated warehouses with robots and data-driven growing strategies. - Created case barcode labels to in compliance with national regulations (PTI labels standard). - Improved the UI of established custom-built in-house build and run scripts. - Repaired the Erlang EPMDless clustering configuration which significantly improved the developer experience when SSH'ing into the running production and nonprod Erlang clusters. - Worked closely with Data Engineers in order to grow and termitate crops in the most efficient manner. - Started "PR PRty" an open Pull Request review session, after many devs felt sluggishness in getting eyes on PRs. NEW YORK PUBLIC RADIO: DevOps Engineer; NYC, NY; 2019-2021 Python; Terraform; AWS (ECS, Lambda, etc.); Docker; NGINX - Built out an alpha "What's on?" microservice and added tests, functionality, and otherwise made it production-ready in order to work to replace an old legacy service. - Built a network simulation test harness to debug old and complex NGINX configurations: - Maintained the daily upkeep of a number of public and internal websites to support a dedicated reporting team at WNYC, WQXR, and - Implemented and integrated a Secrets Management solution for the team. - Paired with and mentored a junior dev in TDD, development strategies, infrastructure techniques and patterns, etc. HIATUS Moved by Bicycle from Seattle to NY -- NORDSTROM: SDE 1, SDE 2; Seattle, WA; 2016-2018 Java; Python; AWS (DynamoDB, ElasticBeanstalk, S3, etc.); Kubernetes - Promoted within a year as a member of the Asset Management Platform team. - Responsible for the maintenance, extension, and Ops for a suite of AWS Java Spring Boot apps serving more than 12 Million images at rates of Hundreds of Millions of daily requests to - Led a high-visibility greenfield machine learning project, AMP Color Extraction, a Tensorflow neural net developed by a company Data Scientist. - Took a python notebook proof of concept and turned it into a robust, highly available production application. Later extended to be a general neural net feature extraction and delivery service for all of Nordstrom's images. - Planned a transition for the team's major apps off of AWS ElasticBeanstalk onto a multi-cloud Kubernetes platform as supported by internal OPs team. PARAMETRIC PORTFOLIO ASSOCIATES: Intern; Seattle, WA; 2015 Dot-Net & C#; Ruby; HTML/CSS/JS (Reactjs) - 3-month internship, renewed for a second 3-month period. A strong focus on Code as Craft. - Trained in the methodology of Test Driven Development, Clean Code, SOLID etc. - Developed an ASP.NET MVC platform for future interns to host their projects. - Contributed the first app to this platform: a product in collaboration with traders at the company to replace a critical but unmaintained excel script. -- EDUCATION -- NORTH SEATTLE COLLEGE; AS - 3.67; Seattle, WA; 2012-2014 -- PHILOSOPHY -- I believe in taking the time and care to produce high-quality code. I optimize for readability, flexibility in my software. My style is thorough, thoughtful, curious, creative. I often work by TDD and prefer to do so. I love pairing and knowledge sharing. I take pride in the work I do and dislike lazy engineering. I prefer simplicity and elegance of design over excess. I like to keep it fun! TECH: python, unix, bash, java, lisp, elixir/erlang+otp, aws, nginx, docker etc. SKILLS: debugging, scripting, CICD, learning, teaching, pairing, creativity etc. INFLUENCES: Julia Evans; 2600; Douglas Hofstadter; The Pragmatic Programmer etc. PROJECTS:;; etc.